
How to use Toyota G and H chip OBD remote key programmer?

How to use Toyota G and H chip OBD remote key programmer?

Toyota G and Toyota H Chip Vehicle OBD Remote Key Programming Device support programming both Toyota G and Toyota H chip vehicle via OBD2 port.Many customers feedback that it works perfectly fine. Do you want to know the usage of Toyota G and H chip OBD remote key programmer?

Here is the procedure below:

1.You should get in the car and close the door.Then you need to insert the original key and turn switch ignition to "ON" position.

2.You need to switch to "ADD TRANSPONDER" and insert the toyota g and h chip remote key programmer device into OBD connector. You will hear two beep sound(Dee-Dee), it will star to add the remote.

3.After two beep sound, you will gear continuously beep sound, the toyota g and h chip device indicator light will flash during the procedure.

4.After the sound(Dee-Dee), you should open the door when hearing the sound blaring. You should press “LOCK&UNLOCK" key at the same time. And press the "lock" key. If the blaring ends, it's OK.

You need to insert the new transponder, no need to turn it, the indicator light will turn into flash.

5.The indicator will turn off after 60 seconds, then it's done.
It ends!

