
How to Solve the Common Problems for Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting Machine?

How to Solve the Common Problems for Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting Machine?

Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting Machine comes with high quality and super technology. You can use it to make new keys even without original key, makes your job easier.Here are some of my customers share common problems below:

1. How to use Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting machine to cut GM keys ?

Problem: When using Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting machine to cut GM keys, such as b111, it will prompt "put it in number 5", but not long enough to put in.
Solution: Click left button, just let the block move to the fouth cutting embryo. Here are the picture and video to show you: Solution video

2. Automatic V8/X6 Key Cutting Machine "X sensor error" 

Problem: As long as I get the tool, after power on, it shows me "X sensor error", looking forward to the solution.
Solution: It becasue the screw in the main unit is not locked, Please lock them as the following picture:

You can do as the following picture shows - the detailed steps:

